If we were to make a time-budget, it might look something like this:
174 hours in the negative?!
Banks offer overdraft protection. You know how it works–when you spend more than you have in your checking account, the bank pulls funds from your savings to cover it so you don’t suffer penalties. So, when you’re a little short on time, which of the above accounts do you transfer time from?
If we’re honest, many of us will say we reallocate our God-time. Is that sometimes true for you?
Are the top two listed in our chart really getting priority consideration? Or do God and family rank closer to the bottom, scrambling for scraps.
This week, we share our Thanksgiving table with friends and family. How do we go about making our everyday budgets represent our values?
Like everything else, we must do as Jesus did.
It was such a natural thing for Jesus to be in the temple, He couldn’t figure out why His parents were freaking out when they couldn’t find their son for three days.
When Mary and Joseph discovered the pre-teen in the temple teaching the religious scholars, Jesus said to His mother, “Why were you searching for me?” He asked, “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49, NIV)

The local church is a central part of God’s strategic plan for your spiritual growth.
Through the apostle Paul, God warns us against “neglecting to meet together.” (Hebrews 10:25, ESV)
He isn’t requiring us to fellowship with other believers because it benefits Him. It is for our good.
According to secular psychological and medical studies reported on alateia.org, those who are connected to a church body experience:
- Better Sleep
- Less Risk of Depression or Suicide
- More stable, happy, and sexually-satisfying marriages
- Longer life
- Lower Blood pressure
Think about how you spend your time. Ask yourself, Is this what I value most?
In the coming weeks, we will begin making adjustments to live our 1440 Jesus-style–letting God shape our priorities.
NEXT: 1440 Jesus-Style: Jesus Spent Time with His Disciples (Honoring Family-Time)