“My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
Psalm 139:15-16
There was a time when the general public heard little about heroin; it was the drug of “junkies” like my dad, Victor Torres, the founder of New Life For Youth…it was found on poor, gang-infested inner city streets. Now, the face of addiction has changed. Heroin-related deaths have quadrupled in the last decade…they are middle-class, they are next door, in the next cubicle or in your sons bedroom…they are your son or your daughter. And, while the statistics are staggering, it’s not the numbers, but the names that move our hearts and hands into action…
It’s not the statistics that shake us, but the souls who find their hope and their salvation in our homes through the only One who can deliver them. Are you overwhelmed by the statistics? They are overwhelming. Are you at a loss as to what you could possibly do in the face of such great need? Then look at just one face… Consider how you can impact just one family. Get involved for the ONE. Do what you can and don’t let the bigness of the task paralyze you and keep you from making a difference. The battle can be won if each one helps one.
Since 1971, New Life For Youth has been a place of hope for individuals struggling to overcome life-controlling problems such as drug and alcohol addiction. New Life For Youth stands as a beacon of hope for the tens of thousands of young men and women who have found hope and healing through this program. If you would like to help, need help or know someone who does, visit http://www.newlifeforyouth.org/ for information & details on how to apply.
Photo by thr3 eyes on Unsplash
Photo by thr3 eyes on Unsplash